Sunday 14 March 2010

Conventions- Front page

My magazine reflects coventions of real music magazines, some of which was inspired from research I did into modern day music magazines, such as Q and NME. by deconstructing various front covers, contents pages and double page spreads, I was able to extract specific ideas that would help me to thinks of suitable story features for my magazine, as well as using parts of the design as inspiration for my magazines layout.
A lot of the deconstruction enabled me to understand how representations of musicians can use symbolism that makes the picture more interesting, and in turn makes the front cover more appealing. Also, the artistic imagery, mixed with simplistic text colour coding and only necessary, informative writing helped me to understand how to layout a front cover, and what to write on it. The Lily Allen front cover uses conventional features of music magazines; the reference to specific musicians who feature inside the magazine, the magazines title, mentions of features inside the magazine, a bar code and one large image. I use all of these conventions on my magazine front cover, in order to help it be easily recognised as a music magazine.
My front cover doesn't step out of the stereotypical music magazine conventions, the fonts I used for it are slightly offbeat in comparison to the types of classic fonts most magazines would use, such as Q and NME, where the fonts aren't as decorative and are more simplistic. The fonts I used however vary between being simplistic, and slightly more decorative; I did this simply to make the front cover more aesthetically interesting and unique. I used typical conventions such as a masthead, images of featuring artists, and text explaining what was featuring inside of the magazine. This was necessary in creating a realistic front cover, which would attract my audience.

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