Tuesday 13 April 2010

Contents Page: Final Copy

This is my final copy of my contents page for my magazine:

My contents page shows an ideology that music and fashion are large aspects of modern life, and important features in entertainment and media; especially media publishments such as magazines. My contents page achieves this by using features in relation to only fashion, music and the music related T.V shows, the X-Factor. Using features with little variety, creates a large and in depth focus on closely related subjects, which I think, highlights their importance, as the whole magazine is dedicated to these subjects.
My contents page wouldn't attract a very large range of different social groups, but would appeal mainly to my target audience of females aged 15-19. This is achieved through the pink, purple and black colour scheme, which is quite feminine. The fonts I have used aren't as feminine, but more artistic and quirky. This would probably attract more individual girls, who perhaps are outside the social group of very feminine girls. This is the type of range I wanted to achieve, although my magazine is aimed at particular age group and sex, I want the variety of people in this social category to be attracted to my magazine. The images are quite mixed, I've used male and female models to create a variety. The poses vary, some are serious, others are more experimental and some look happy and cheery. The image on the model I also used on the front cover, has an temperamental look to her that juxtaposes against the happy and smiling pose used by my model in the image which is second down from the top of the page. A difference in poses makes it seem as though my magazine uses models with varying personalities, which could be suited to people from different social groups and varying personalities.
The contents page doesn't conform to any stereotypes, although it looks feminine through using purple and pink, the black and yellow isn't as gender specific, so therefore could appeal to females who aren't stereotypically feminine, as well as some males too perhaps. The features used are based on music an fashion, which does conform more to stereotypical female music magazines, but I needed to conform to this so that teh magazine could appeal to my female target audience.

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