Friday 16 April 2010

Technology: Challanges, new skills and progression

Whilst creating my magazine I've learnt a lot about different computer programmes which I'd never used before, or had little experience using. I used In Design for the first time, and learnt how to create and edit different documents, as I used InDesign to publish all the pages for my magazine. I had little experience using Photoshop before, so I did face some difficulties sometimes. I hadn't done a photo shoot before either, but felt I adapted fairly quickly to the situation, and found this to be the most enjoyable technical process. Creating a blog, was fairly confusing at first, considering I'd never used a blog before, but this process was also fairly easy to adapt to, and I didn't face many difficulties.
When using InDesign, at first I struggled with some concepts, for example loading pictures into the document; as I was used to just copying and pasting images, but I learnt that the best way to load images in InDesign was to go to 'File', then 'Place', and then adjust the way the image fitted by going to 'Fitting' and choosing the best option. This was one of the more confusing parts of InDesign at first. InDesign was a lot different to any other programmes I'd used previously, as it was similar to the Microsoft Word programme, but came with a lot more technical advantages, that allowed you edit your documents to a higher standard. So at times I struggles with it, simply because there were a lot more tool options in relation to editing features, and I had to adapt to learning what all these new tools were and what they allowed me to do.
Photoshop was confusing at times because I wasn't use to using it, and the variety of tools was often complicating. I enjoyed the different aspects of Photoshop that allowed me to; eliminate blemishes, lighten and darken my models features, change the colour of clothing/eyes/hair, and apply 'make-up' onto my models. I hadn't been able to do this on any other photo editing computer programmes, which made Photoshop become extremely useful in getting the best quality images for my magazine pages. I feel that I now am more familiar with Photoshop, and know how to edit my images to my preference because I'm more aware of how to use the different tools.
When preparing for the photo shoot, one of the most difficult tasks was choosing a look for my model, that was suitable for my target audience, as well as standing out among other images.
Therefore I did a lot of preparation before the photo shoot such as sketches and research on other music artists, to help create the right look. The photo shoot itself wasn't as challenging, as the research meant I knew what type of poses and facial expressions I wanted my model to achieve. From this task I now understand how to make a photo shoot successful; by doing enough preparation in relation to poses, make-up and costume, so when doing the photo shoot itself, you have a good direction and understanding of what needs doing.
From the blog, I've learnt how to support my analysis by using images from my scrapbook as support, and how to scan images onto the computer so I can place them onto my blog;. I wasn't aware of how to do this before I started using the blog, and I'm glad I have this new skill.

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