Thursday 15 April 2010

My Target Audience

My aim was to attract a female audience aged from 15-19 years of age, who were interested in a range of music types, as well as; fashion, celebrities and music related T.V shows. In order to attract my target audience I created a questionnaire and handed it out to 20 different people to complete. Since I was looking to attract mainly a female audience, I handed it out to mostly girls (18 girls) and a minimal amount of males (2 males). This way I could collect information from the people who fitted in to my target audience, as well as a couple of people outside of my target audience. I wanted to attract this type of audience because it's in my age group, so I felt I could relate to what this type of audience would find attractive in a music magazine; this is why included a couple of articles related to subjects such as fashion, because I felt that this would enforce more dimensions to the magazine, which I could also relate to music, this way I wouldn't be going off task and would still creating a music magazine.

Above is a copy of my mood board, scanned in from my scrapbook. I found the mood board useful to look back on and remind myself what type of audience I'm looking to attract. I made the mood board feminine, by using the colour pink and using images with mostly females in them. I used images of clothing such as shoes, jewellery and bags to symbolise fashion aspects of my magazine as well to represent the females target audience. I used a picture of a train to symbolise that my magazine would be British and the intended audience would be British citizens, and would be average, middle class UK citizens.

This is the questionnaire I made for my audience to complete.

To accompany my questionnaire, I made pie charts using the results of some of the questions, I did this using Microsoft Excel, after creating the pie charts I copied and pasted them in to a word document, so I could print them off and place them in to my scrapbook.
I used the information from the questionnaire and the pie chart data to determine particular aspects of my magazine; using a female model on the front cover, deciding what genres of music to feature, and the colour scheme.

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