Wednesday 14 April 2010

Media Institutions And Magazine Distribution

Magazine publisher 'Bauermedia' would be most suited to publishing my magazine because it already produces a good range of magazines, and the publishers seem interested in music considering they work with Q magazine, and popular radio stations such as 'Kiss' and 'Kerrang!' Although Bauermedia works with a lot of music related media sources, they don't publish a magazine like mine, which aims to target females aged 15-19, who are interested in music, as well as other topics such as fashion and celebrities. As most female targeted magazines they sell are based on just fashion, or celebrities. Therefore, Bauermedia would benefit from the new audience my magazine would attract, who's main interest in my magazine would be the music, but they'd also read some features on celebrities and fashion.
Retail shops WHSmiths and HMV would sell my magazine, as it's then sold towards a mass audience, which is suitable considering it's three main topics (music, fashion and celebrities) are all widely popular. Shops like Sainsburys, Tescos and Waitrose would also sell my magazine; this is because these shops are some of the most used in England and my magazine would therefore attract a really wide audience. My magazine will have an overall readership of 130,179 across England and a circulation figure of 40, 978. A majority of this figure (89%) will be female, with little male interest, at an average age 0f 17. Most of this audience will be studying still, with some working part time and some working full time. This fits in with the target audience I had in mind.
Online features such as a website dedicated would assist my magazine, as this way readers can visit the site to find out more information on my magazines aims, upcoming/past features, details in relation to price and when it's published. I would also use advertisements on my website for the different features on the next weeks magazine, as well as for features on the current magazine; this would hopefully attract people who hadn't purchased the magazine before, to buy a copy. I would post these advertisements on social networking sites like Facebook and Myspace, because a lot of people within my target audience use these sights, as well as people outside of my target audience, and my magazine would receive a larger range of interest.
I would create a fan page on Facebook for my magazine, as this would act as another advertising technique.

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